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Jane Kangaroo is a recurring character on The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss. The character's roots lie in the 1954 Dr. Seuss book Horton Hears a Who, where the chief antagonist is a nameless, sour kangaroo who refuses to believe Horton's tale and feared that he is a menace to the whole jungle. In the 1977 animated adaptation of the book, the kangaroo is christened Jane, and the name is retained for Wubbulous World. She speaks Australian with an Australian accent.

Like her literary portrayal, Jane is a snobbish matron, and the mother of Junior Kangaroo, and resides in the Jungle of Nool. Her valuing of the status quo and insistence on order occasionally precipitates crises. Notably, in "The Mystery of Winna-Bango Falls," Jane orders the Winna-Bango Falls residents to stop playing with fruit peels and instead to throw them away, causing an environmental catastrophe.
